Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I haven't been particularly busy this week, but have accomplished a few things.  Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

Yesterday I decided to give Stella a workout.  Who's Stella?  She is my Singer Featherweight 221, born 8/19/47 and came to live with me late last year.  I took her in for a servicing and got her back last week.  I wanted to take a short break from my handwork so looked, and looked for a quick and easy project.  Thanks to my blog friend Marsha at Quilter in Motion, I found the perfect project, a little bag that she had posted about in her Friday Finds last week.   You can find the pattern here at One Lucky Day.  It is small, but I purchased several trial size personal items and will take it to my quilt guild tomorrow and from there it will be given to a homeless girl that will be able to take it with her to school where she is able to get a shower.  It only takes 2 fat quarters and an yard and a half of twill tape AND it only took an hour to make on Stella, who did a spectacular job.

I made a little progress on the counted cross-stich Christmas stocking.  I had to work a little on the wolf so that I could work on the back stitching on the bear (not yet done).  I also got the snow around the bear finished.  Next will be the back stitching. 

As far as my La Passacaglia EPP project goes, it doesn't.  I'm having trouble deciding on the fabric for the next round and I only need to choose for those little pentagons and the large diamond shapes.  I can't begin to tell you how many fabrics I've auditions for them.  Tonight I will make a final decision as I want to get some more done.

I've also joined in on the Splendid Sampler being hosted by Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson.  You can check it out here.  There is also a Facebook group for it.  As I understand it a few thousand from all over the world are taking part and 82 designers have contributed to the 100, 6 inch blocks.  They will be pieced, appliqued, EPP, foundation paper pieced, embroidered, etc.  I'm going to use my stash for this as that is what I committed to and besides that my pocketbook and space limitations are not conducive to more fabric at this time.

Another project around the corner is one created by Jenny of Elefantz.  I joined here stitchery club and have some beautiful embroidery designs, one for each month of the year so I want to work on these before I get too far behind.  Here is a sample of her beautiful work.

There was also some happy mail from a modern low volume charm swap that I participated in on Instagram.  Those charms arrived in the mail yesterday.  WooHoo, they will be used in the Splendid Sampler.

That's it for now as we are off the visit the China Ranch Date Farm.

Happy Stitching.


  1. Stella is so pretty! I hope to get my hands on a featherweight some day. I've heard they sew like a dream and they just look so...pretty. :) Love the bag you made, the fabric choices are wonderful together. And love the low volume fabrics, you can never have enough of them! :)

    1. Thanks. I do love sewing on Stella, she has perfect stitches and is so quiet. I'll be taking her when we travel which has been delayed as my husband needs to travel to Alaska to help his daughter while she recovers from a surgery. I'll stay here in Nevada with the pupster.

  2. You have lots on the go! Your little bag is pretty; I bet the recipient was thrilled.

    1. Thank you Kaja. It was so easy to make and I'm sure whoever receives it will enjoy it along with all those little travel items inside.

  3. Great bag! Nice to have different types of things going in case we "switch moods." Love the FW!

    1. Thanks for stopping by RQ and for the kind comments. I do like to be able to change out what I'm working on so I don't get bored with just one thing.
