Sunday, January 17, 2016

I'm a little late to the party today, that is the Slow Sunday Stitching party, but I was slowly stitching away on the Christmas stocking for my granddaughter and finished the deer.  The weird blank spot in the middle of the deer is where the wolf will be.  The next step is to get the snow around the bear done, back stitch the bear, and then stitch the wolf.  Those will be my goals for this week, along with a few others that I'll mention further done in the post.  Let me tell you that changing floss color every few stitches makes for very slow stitching. 

I also did some English paper piecing this week working on my La Passacaglia.  I finished Rosette 1 and have started on the next rosette, probably number 3 as it is joined to Rosette 1.  The top picture is the completed one and the next picture is my WIP (work in progress).  More slow stitching as it is all hand stitched.  Goal two will be to try and finished this WIP, but probably won't happen as it is very time consuming and this one has 8 rounds.

Now something that is fairly new to me is color value.  Marsha over at Quilter in Motion told me about taking a black and white picture of her work and seeing the color value of the fabrics.  In doing this you can see whether the fabric is dark, medium, or light in value.  She also sent me the link to Leslie's blog, The Seasoned Homemaker, that tells about her experience with color value.  Now this got me interested as to what I might be doing wrong in my fabric choices.  So I did a search on color value in quilting and found the following:

Ho Hum to Dazzling: How Color Value Affects Your Quilt - this article shows the same quilt, Storm at Sea, in three different black and white photos.  The first photo shows the wave movement due to the placement of the dark and medium fabrics.  The second photo is totally different and the waves are gone and the third photo the movement isn't as noticeable.  Who knew?  Probably all you experienced quilters out there, but I'm sort of a newbie as I've only been quilting for a couple years now with most of my learning by trial and error (mostly error). 

Another interesting article, Value and Value Tools from Karen Combs Studio.  Click here to read that article.   

You may not be totally confused by the issue of value, but I sure am.  Well, maybe not totally confused as I can distinguish between the light, medium, and dark values, but now I'm confused as to when and where to use them in a quilt.  I'll keep working on this and if you have any articles or thoughts on the subject, please share them.

Here is a picture of my EPP WIP that I converted to black and white.  You can certainly see which fabrics have the dark, medium, and light values.

Happy stitching.


  1. Value is a tricky thing, that's for sure. I've got a lot to learn still about it, but little lessons always help. I had a small discussion with Jenn over at A Quarter Inch From the Edge about low volume when I was working on my Orange Peels, which were bright colors on a low volume background. Everybody has different ideas as to what falls into the category, but the most common theme was that it would read as white in a black and white photograph. It seems like such a trivial thing, but it's amazing how much it can affect your quilt in the end! Also, I'm loving your EPP, your fabric choices are scrumptious!

  2. Thanks Jennifer. Your Orange Peels quilt is amazing and so pretty. I know I need to learn more about value, but so far I've been happy with the quilts that I've made and so have the recipients. I love doing the EPP.

  3. Your granddaughter's stocking is off to a great start. And your La Passacaglia...just gorgeous! I keep seeing quilters' blocks of this, and I'm tempted to start one, but I already have more than enough projects in progress. I must resist!

    1. Hi Jill, thanks for stopping by. What's one more project. EPP is a lot of fun.

  4. Lucky granddaughter, the cross stitch is lovely. And I really like your La Pass blocks. Interesting articles on contrast. I sometimes think it is the most important thing in choosing your fabrics.

    1. Thanks Jennie. I need to learn a lot more about value. I read in one article that most fat quarters are of medium value, but I'm not seeing it that way.

  5. Love the colour scheme and your fussy cutting on La Passacaglia ! I'm quilting for years now but have still a lot to learn about colour ...

    1. Sophie thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice commemt. Hope you come by again.

  6. Love the colour scheme and your fussy cutting on La Passacaglia ! I'm quilting for years now but have still a lot to learn about colour ...
